
Top Score 3 Student’s Book
Ref: 9780194129084
Auteur(s): Michael Duckworth, Paul Kelly, Kathy Gude
ÉDITEUR: Oxford University Press
Date parution: 09-04-2007
Catégorie: Adolescents

A strong focus on reading, with two extensive reading texts in every unit. Building and extending vocabulary using activities that focus on meaning, usage and word-building. Photocopiable vocabulary extension worksheets in the Teacher’s Guide introduce more vocabulary. Understanding how grammar works, introducing grammar in reading texts and providing a full range of practice activities. Regular revision and testing with end-of-unit Quick Check tests, revision units, end of term tests, and an end-of-year test. Developing writing skills, with guidance on writing descriptions, emails, stories, interviews, and reports. Quick Tip boxes advise on study skills, how to tackle a task or question type, and organizing written work. Practising listening, speaking, and pronunciation skills with activities on listening for meaning and intonation


Réservé aux professionnels